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Are You a Sensidev?

by Andreea Oproiuabout 4 years ago 3 min read

Working in software development comes with certain challenges and also misconceptions as any other industry. As technology is continuously evolving, so are the number of jobs in tech multiplying, and the possibilities are numerous for those truly talented in this domain.

From big corporations to recently-launched startups, the work environment, the necessary tech skills and also soft skills are different, therefore we’re adopting a transparent approach for our future colleagues—portraying the perfect candidate for Sensidev.

Our company culture stands on these main pillars: collaboration, accountability and delivery. If you identify yourself with these values, then you’re one step closer to becoming a #sensidev. Here’s the rest of the story:


We put people first and always work on healthy relationships with our colleagues, collaborators and clients. If you have dedication for your job and an overall positive attitude when you come to work, then things fall into place.


Each team member plays an important role and we encourage them to always be confident in their ideas, delivery and even misunderstandings. This way, there’s always the need to continuously improve your skills, adapt and ask questions.


Freedom comes with great responsibility. At Sensidev, the work environment is relaxed, we often work remote and don’t put any accent on hierarchies, but this only works well when connecting with reliable professionals, who are accountable for their work and keep things running smoothly without much intervention on our part.


We handle our work with care and our peers as well. Being a team-player at Sensidev is a must as we have a collaborative environment, we like brainstorming and we are committed to working in a forever happy office.


Ask questions, take initiative, put your ideas to work. In order to grow together, we must grow independently and this requires autonomy and self-determination. We empower our team members to do things their own way, but also to take responsibility for them. In this company, each member has a direct relationship with our clients also and they must be professional about it.

So, are you a #sensidev? We’re eager to discover our new team members and build awesome products together.

P.S.: All work and no play is certainly not our mantra, so prepare yourself for lots of fun along the way!

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